Member registration requirements

According to ARTICLE 3 of the statute, "there are three categories of membership: Regular, Associate and Honorary. Regular members are all the contracting founders of the Society (founding members), who automatically acquire the status of a regular member of the Society by their signature.

Regular members of the society can become: Greek medical doctors, as well as scientists of other biomedical sciences who reside permanently in Greece, are interested in the fulfilment of the purposes of the Society, agree with its Statute, have demonstrated scientific activity in the field of Medical Mycology by publishing notable work in this area, according to the judgement of the HSMM Council. For a new member to be approved as a regular member of the Society, it is required:

  1. a) Written application signed by the interested party, and by two recommending members of the HSoMM Council, along with a short CV.
  2. b) Decision by the HSoMM Council taken at the discretion of its members.

Associate members can be Greek or foreign medical doctors, as well as scientists of other biomedical sciences, who are demonstrably involved in Medical Mycology and who reside permanently outside or inside Greece.

The associate members are approved either:

  1. a) After their written request and proposal of two regular members, or
  2. b) After the proposal of two regular members, and if the person proposed accept their approval. The Council decides on their approval at the discretion of its members.

Associate members have the rights of regular members, except for the right to elect and be elected.

Honorary members are declared Greek or foreign scientists distinguished for their significant contribution to Mycology. For the declaration of an Honorary member, a written proposal of two regular members and a decision by the General Assembly following a proposal by the Council members, are required.

Honorary members have the rights of regular members, except for the right to elect and be elected.