Development of a monoclonal antibody and a lateral-flow device for the rapid detection of a Mucorales-specific biomarker.
27 Δεκεμβρίου, 2018
Efficacy of an oral lipid nanocrystal (LNC) formulation of amphotericin B (MAT2203) in the neutropenic mouse model of pulmonary mucormycosis
8 Ιουλίου, 2024Pulmonary mucormycosis presenting as a tumor-like mass in an uncontrolled diabetic patient: a rare case report.
Mucormycosis is a life-threatening infection caused by fungi in the Mucorales species. It mainly affects diabetes patients and other immune-compromised hosts. The infection can involve multiple organ systems, with the lungs being the second most common site. We report a case of a 40-year-old female who had a mass that resembled a tumor, a very rare manifestation of the disease which we were able to diagnose, treat, and now report as it is essential to initiate treatment as early as possible due to its aggressive behavior and high mortality rate… read more