Pulmonary mucormycosis presenting as a tumor-like mass in an uncontrolled diabetic patient: a rare case report.Hello world!
8 Ιουλίου, 2024
Histopathological Study of Mucormycosis in Post COVID-19 Patients and Factors Affecting it in a Tertiary Care Hospital – PMC (nih.gov)
8 Ιουλίου, 2024Efficacy of an oral lipid nanocrystal (LNC) formulation of amphotericin B (MAT2203) in the neutropenic mouse model of pulmonary mucormycosis
Invasive mucormycosis (IM) is associated with high mortality and morbidity and commonly afflicts patients with weakened immune systems. MAT2203 is an orally administered lipid nanocrystal (LNC) formulation of amphotericin B, which has been shown to be safe and effective against other fungal infections. We sought to compare the efficacy of MAT2203 to liposomal amphotericin B (LAMB) treatment in a neutropenic mouse model of IM due to R. arrhizus var. delemar or Mucor circinelloides f. jenssenii DI15-131… read more